
The National Tax and Accountants' Association Ltd.

(NTAA) is a not for profit association dedicated to assisting accountants, tax agents, tax advisers, and businesses in resolving their tax issues.

Formed in 1992, the NTAA currently has over 9,000 member firms subscribing to the NTAA. The NTAA prides themselves on educating members through various seminars, publications and the latest IT software and wholly owns NTAA Corporate.


InterPrac helps local accountants and financial planners deliver financial planning, insurance, finance, administration and technical support for their practice. Founded in 2001, InterPrac has grown to become a leader in the Finance Industry, with a wide range of services and products, this enables your business to grow by expanding the integrated and practical financial services you can offer to your clients.

InterPrac’s vision is to become the first option to local and independently minded accountants and financial planners seeking professional and reliable financial service advice.

SMSF Engine

SMSF Engine provides a low cost, high quality, efficient and accurate back office administration and compliance service for accountants. With services including SMSF Administration, Audit, Actuarial, Consulting and Property Valuations, they can take care of the administration and compliance requirements, while you focus on providing value added services and building relationships with your clients.

Australian Business Structures Pty Ltd (ABS)

ABS is a local law firm specialising in establishing tax structures for accountants and their clients. Simply worded tax structures with powerful clauses allow for deeds to be able to handle a broad range of opportunities available to taxpayers.

Specialist knowledge of company, trust and superannuation law along with practical knowledge of the tax system and how to create agility and compliance in the same place.

DBA Lawyers Pty Ltd

DBA Lawyers is a leading SMSF law firm that also advises on tax and related matters. DBA’s main clients include accountants, financial planners, SMEs and high net worth individuals who need to access quality legal services and documentation in DBA’s practice areas.

DBA has been assisting the NTAA since 2003 in presenting and preparing material for the Super Schools seminar each year.

Legal documentation and related services
Some legal documentation and related services offered by DBA that complement InterPrac’s offering include, check out DBA Butler Services.